Do you know that you have the ability to decide how much to pay a real estate agent? In the past Sellers, preset the amount without your input. Learn the options so you don't add $10,000 or more unnecessarily to your mortgage.
(see December 2024 article under Real Estate Buyers)
The Federal Reserve cut the funds rate by a full percent in 2024. So why haven’t rates seen the same benefit
(See December 2024 article under Advocate Mortgage Information)
Keith L. Eliou, Esq., CFP, RIA, MBA
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August 17, 2024 has passed and the NAR (National Association of Realtors) settlement policies are in force but it has been reported that the “workarounds” being attempted violate, The Settlement, as agents “continue to steer” and use MISINFORMATION and SCARE TACTICS to try and persuade their clients into signing anticompetitive buyer brokerage agreements and listing contracts that artificially inflate buyer brokerage fees
The above actions can violate antitrust laws and lead to significant financial penalties
Some agents and companies may try to circumvent the NAR settlement provisions; such as trying to offer buyer brokers off the MLS (Multiple Listing Service) which is essentially “commercial bribery” and a “group boycott”. Also troubling are third-party commission sharing websites and behind the scene methods to avoid the rules under the settlement.