We love educated consumers! All too often the big box real estate companies and banks take consumers for granted and persuade them to overpay for services by using fear tactics, such as: "if you don't use our mortgage company, you may not close on time".
Read our Mortgage and Real Estate Articles for the truth.
Rates down and signaling a drop
Keith L. Eliou, Esq., CFP, RIA, MBA
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One of the things you’ll pay for when getting a mortgage loan is an origination fee. Here’s what you need to know about origination fees and why you pay them. What Is a Mortgage Loan Origination Fee? Origination means to create, so the loan or
May 30, 2023 | Purchasing a Home
In today’s rising interest rate climate, many potential homebuyers are looking for ways to save on a home purchase. One of the best proactive things you can do is to improve your credit score as much as possible before applying for a mortgage loan.
May 23, 2023 |